Teenagers & Young Adults

//Teenagers & Young Adults
Teenagers & Young Adults 2020-10-10T13:38:35+10:00

Monthly on a Sunday and Saturday


The teenage years are a time of huge change, and many decisions and pressures are faced during these years. This is why establishing our teenagers in the word of God as it applies to their day to day living is so important. In close connection with parents (or guardians), we encourage each teenager to know God personally, to learn more about His word, to serve others and to share their own faith. Our teenagers meet once a month on a Sunday morning to discuss the current word and how it practically applies in their lives.

Young Adults

We believe that Young Adults’ meetings are important for encouraging young people who are committed to growing in their faith. We desire our young adults to be active and fruitful members of the church who are ‘equipped for every good work’ (2 Timothy 3:17). Our young adults are actively involved in all areas of the church, including the Sunday morning communion service, Sunday school teaching, various men’s and women’s initiatives and the home fellowship programme.

Communion Service and Bible Study

Sunday 9:30am

Teenagers and Young Adults



Friday Morning 6:15am